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Eugene Onegin

Apr 12, 2022
The Costumes of Eugene Onegin
We asked our Costume Designer, Neil Fortin, to give us some insight into the process of creating the costume designs for this new production of Eugene Onegin. The enduring story of longing, remorse and love unfulfilled will echo grandly in our 1950's world. While we were designing Opera Omaha's production of Tchaikovsky's Eugene Onegin, director Rosetta Cucchi and I searched for the correct time period in which to place our new production. In my mind traditional productions of this beautiful tale tend to place the action during the mid-19th century. Together we knew we didn't need the period trappings of the story but wanted to make sure that it ...
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Apr 11, 2022
Eugene Onegin Study Guide
Eugene Onegin Student Dress Rehearsal Study Guide Created as a companion to Opera Omaha’s Student Dress Rehearsal of Eugene Onegin, the study guide includes information about the opera, notes from the Director and Conductor, as well as brief articles about related topics and an overview of the dress rehearsal experience. Download Study Guide Special thanks to Jack Hardwick for his work creating this study guide.
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Apr 7, 2022
Conductor Notes | Eugene Onegin
Some Personal Thoughts on Eugene Onegin What a privilege it is for me, in my role as a conductor, to expend my meager intellectual and aesthetic resources in a joyful quest to explore the innumerable beauties and inspirations to be found in operatic masterpieces. Particularly precious are the treasures I find in Tchaikovsky’s Eugene Onegin. It goes without saying that the vast number of successful operas could be said to be “poetic.” Indeed, the mystical union of poetry and music that creates “lyric expression” is an inviolable marriage that defines the very nature of opera itself. But Eugene Onegin is unique in the degree to which poetry pervades not only the d...
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Mar 28, 2022
Director Notes | Eugene Onegin
When Mrs. Lavrovskaja proposed the Pushkin versed Eugene Onegin to Tchaikovsky, he wasn’t so sure about writing an opera based on this story. But after a day and a lot of thought he wrote to his brother saying, “I don't mind that there is no action, I am in love with the character of Tatyana, I am fascinated by Pushkin's verses." The same happened to me when I first read the opera. Tatyana’s character became, in my imagination, a real, deep human being with desires, regrets, and pains. A young woman able to look inside herself, deciding to come out with her feelings in front of the world....
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