Twelve Days of Carmen-Day Three
Welcome to day three of our Twelve Days of Carmen blog series. This introduction is from our Conductor, Hal France.
Down to Earth
Team Players
These words come to mind when thinking about our cast. It’s really fun to watch dedicated actors work. They listen intently to our Director Lillian, absorb and challenge ideas, contribute their own, argue and joke, experiment with new things, create scenes together, and most importantly, display tremendous vulnerability. While waiting to get onstage, I’ve noticed our leads Leann, Leah, Jonathan, and Marcelo watch their colleagues with definite admiration. That’s really inspiring.
These are the opera singers of today and, yes, they have extraordinary singing voices, but what they do is not always about singing.
Today we share some personal reflections of our Carmen, Leann Sandel-Pantaleo. Enjoy.
Video shot at the Strauss Performing Art Center in community partnership between Opera Omaha and University of Nebraska at Omaha College of Communication Fine Arts and Media, CFAM.