Malcolm X Resources
Omaha History
North Omaha History, Adam Fletcher Sasse
A Biography of Malcolm X in Omaha
A Tour of the Omaha Civil Rights Movement
A History of 24th Street in North Omaha
References and further resources recommended by the Malcolm X Memorial Foundation
The Autobiography of Malcolm X, Alex Haley and Malcolm X (1965)
Growing up X, Ilyasah Shabazz, daughter of Malcolm X (2003)
Malcolm Little: The Boy Who Grew Up to Become Malcolm X, Ilyasah Shabazz (2014)
Betty Before X, Ilyasah Shabazz and Renée Watson (2018)
The Dead are Arising: The Life of Malcolm X, Les Payne and Tamara Payne (2020)
Speeches and Interviews
Speech on the Founding of OAAU (1964) | Digital Copy from Malcolm X Foundation
Interview with Malcolm X (1965). Young Socialists | link: text: Digital Copy from Malcolm X Foundation)
Eulogy for Malcolm X, Ossis Davis (1965) |
Malcolm X Speaks, George Breitman (1965) | PDF book link
A full database of speeches can be found listed here
Timeline of Malcolm X’s Life American Experience | PBS
Malcolm X’s Family Tree | Geneanet
Family influences: Marcus Garvey American Experience | PBS
Malcolm X, Spike Lee (1992).
A Street of Dreams, Camille Steed (1994).
One Night in Miami, Regina King (2020).
Who Killed Malcolm X (Netflix Documentary Series), Rachel Dretzin & Phil Bertelsen (2020).
The Malcolm X Foundation has a variety of videos and interviews on their YouTube Playlist