"Mad Men" Style Mixer at House of Loom
“Mad Men” Style Mixer at House of Loom
Young professionals everywhere are invited to a swanky mixer presented by Opera Omaha. Anyone who attends this event and one of the performances of The Marriage Contract (ticket included) is entered into a drawing for a diamond from Borsheims, valued at $2,390!
$20 per person includes:
Entry to event
Two classic cocktails in ’50s style
Light hors d’oeuvres
Staged photo op
Ticket to Opera Omaha’s The Marriage Contract
For more details, visit Facebook.
To purchase tickets, go to TicketOmaha.com.
Giveaway Rules and Disclaimer:
Eligibility: Attendees of “The Mixer in Mad Style” event who then attend one of “The Marriage Contract” performances are eligible. Attendees must fill out the entry form provided at “The Mixer in Mad Style” event and return it to the Opera Omaha table in the lobby of the Scottish Rite Masonic Center during one of “The Marriage Contract” performances for valid entry. Employees of Opera Omaha, Step Group, House of Loom and Clark Creative Group as well as the immediate family (spouse, parents, siblings and children) and household members of each such employee are not eligible. Only one entry per attendee. Multiple entries will disqualify the participant.
The winner of the Borsheims diamond will be randomly chosen after “The Marriage Contract” performances have taken place. The winner will be contacted on or around February 21, 2012 by Opera Omaha via the contact information provided on the entry form. Only the winner will be contacted personally. The winner will be required to retrieve the prize from Opera Omaha within ten (10) days of the date notice or attempted notice is sent. If the winner: (a) cannot be contacted within 48 hours of initial contact from Opera Omaha; (b) fails to retrieve the prize within the required time period (if applicable); (c) is not in compliance with these Official Rules; and/or (d) prize or prize notification is returned as undeliverable; then such potential winner forfeits the prize. If a potential winner is disqualified for any reason, the prize may be awarded to a runner-up, if any, at Opera Omaha’s sole discretion.
Prize: ONE (1) GRAND PRIZE: One .52 carat diamond valued at $2,390.
The prize must be taken as stated and cannot be deferred.
There will be no cash alternatives.
Participants must comply with all rules to be eligible for the prize. No responsibility is accepted for ineligible entries or entries made fraudulently.
Opera Omaha’s decision is final in every situation including any not covered above and no correspondence will be entered into.
Opera Omaha reserves the right to cancel the giveaway at any stage, if deemed necessary in their opinion, and if circumstances arise outside of their control.
Entrants will be deemed to have accepted these rules and to agree to be bound by them when entering this competition.
This competition is promoted by Opera Omaha on behalf of Borsheims.
Disclaimer: We will not pass on your personal details to any other organization except for Opera Omaha who is sponsoring this giveaway