HCOF Creativity Prompt: Family Poem

May 28, 2020

Our Holland Community Opera Fellowship (HCOF) is committed to being a creative and artistic resource to our community. Usually this takes many forms and Opera Omaha's HCOF Fellows (Gwenna, Jared, Kate, and Kaitlin) lead creative workshops and programming for all ages. Since we can’t be in the community in person, we’ve adapted and created a few of our #HCOFCreativityPrompts for your use at home. Each weekday we’ll post a different prompt on our blog and share on our social media platforms. These activities can be done alone or with others. Creativity is not just for kids, and these prompts are written for a wide variety of audiences so feel free to modify as needed!

Family Poem

Gather each member of your family, either in person or virtually, and write a poem together! Remember, family isn’t just about who you’re related to! This poem is about coming together virtually with people you care about!

Time to complete
5-20 minutes

Something to write with

Each person participating will come up with one word to describe themselves. This can be silly, profound, or simple, but it must come from a place of truth. It can be any word; noun, verb, adjective, whatever you like!
Ex. Playful, teal, exciting, active, peace

Once you have your list of everyone’s descriptive word, each person will write a sentence including selected words from the list. At minimum, each sentence should include at least one or two word(s) from that list. Lastly, each sentence should start with the letter of the author’s first name.
Ex. My name is Gwenna, so my sentence will start with “G”.
Gray days are exciting- the peace that comes from in(active)ity

The last step is to combine all sentences together and create one “Family Poem”. The order of the sentences is up to you!
Kind of playful to paint my room teal
Joy comes from peace in the teal ocean waves
Gray days are exciting- the peace that comes from in(active)ity
Kinesthetic exercise keeps me active

Sharing Suggestions
Send your poem to family and friends! Challenge someone to draw their own dream. Comment on this activity’s Facebook post or tag @OperaOmaha in an Instagram Story with #hcofcreativityprompts.


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