HCOF Creativity Prompt: Be Old Fashioned
Our Holland Community Opera Fellowship (HCOF) is committed to being a creative and artistic resource to our community. Usually this takes many forms and Opera Omaha's HCOF Fellows (Gwenna, Jared, Kate, and Kaitlin) lead creative workshops and programming for all ages. Since we can’t be in the community in person, we’ve adapted and created a few of our #HCOFCreativityPrompts for your use at home. Each weekday we’ll post a different prompt on our blog and share on our social media platforms. These activities can be done alone or with others. Creativity is not just for kids, and these prompts are written for a wide variety of audiences so feel free to modify as needed!
Today's Creativity Prompt
Be old fashioned, send a thank you
Send a letter to a friend or family member
Time to complete
10-30 Minutes
Pen, paper, envelope, stamp
Think back a few months or even a few years. Was there someone who did something kind for you or encouraged you in some way? Maybe they gave you a ride to the airport or helped you carry something? Maybe they gave you a big hug when you needed one, or an off-the-cuff compliment on a sweater you weren’t too sure about. Maybe it isn’t anything specific, just the feeling of them that you remember fondly.
Take a few minutes to write them a quick thank you note or a long letter. If you like to draw or paint you could send them a picture. Let the person know you appreciate and value them. Be specific.
Now that your note or drawing is complete, put it in an envelope and mail it USPS!
Many famous composers, musicians, writers and artists of all kinds have written letters throughout time. Think of an artist you like and either google or hit up your local library to read some of their letters.
The American composer, Aaron Copland (1900-1990), composed a beautiful and short orchestral work called “Letters From Home.” Listen here for some musical letter writing inspiration!
Here’s an online collection of letters by the composer Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827)
Sharing Suggestions
If you enjoyed this activity reach out and share it with a friend, personally, or on social media. Comment on this activity’s Facebook post or tag @OperaOmaha in an Instagram Story with #hcofcreativityprompts.