Happy Holidays
Ah, my dear Friends!
Your old friend The Fat Lady here, wishing all my Opera Omaha pals the absolute best holidays ever! I was sitting the other day, deciding about the number of zeros I would add to my annual gift to Opera Omaha and reflecting on this most eventful fall, and I decided to share some thoughts with all of you.
Deep in contemplation, in my warmest slippers and robe, and with ceramic heater blazing, I realized how proud I was of Opera Omaha. The Blizzard Voices was a wonderful moment for our community, made even richer by the clothing drive and special ticket offer for teachers. Harrowing though it was, my experience with the Pirates of Penzance was ultimately uplifting. For you darlings that love to reminisce like I do, you can read the full details of my adventure at operaomaha.org/fatlady. And then, there was Choral Collaborative! All of those bright, shining high school faces bursting forth in song. What better service for an arts organization than to get young people singing!
My friends at Opera Omaha and I are so grateful to you for your help in making all of this possible. Your purchase of tickets, gifts of money and time, and your advocacy for what we know is THE most beautiful and transforming entertainment around … all of these gifts made us think about giving you a present this holiday season.
So, sweeties, here goes. Many of you know that one of the Great People of Opera, our own Giacomo Puccini, turns 150 years young this month. We at Opera Omaha will celebrate with the help of our good friends at KVNO (90.7 Classical FM, Omaha’s home for the Metropolitan Opera broadcasts). Tune in on Monday, December 22nd throughout the day and hear Puccini’s music, tidbits about the man and for chances to win Opera Omaha tickets. Cap off the day by having your very own Perfect Puccini Party. We’ve added some wonderful recipes and listening suggestions to our website, operaomaha.org, so that you can add a little Puccini to your holidays.
From all of us at Opera Omaha come warm wishes to you as you celebrate this special season. Keep a song in your heart and some Puccini Punch in your glass, and we’ll see you next year at one of the wonderful events only Opera Omaha can bring!
Wishing you the Jolly Giacomo-est of Holidays!