Get to Know the Staff: Shannon Walenta

Nov 21, 2016

Shannon Walenta
Managing Director
Length of time you have worked with Opera Omaha:

3 months (formerly 10 years 1995-2005)

Six-word summary of your job/duties/what you do:

Oversee development, marketing, and engagement departments

Describe the best or most rewarding part of your job:

Opera is an art form about which I feel very passionate, and it is really fulfilling for me to help new folks, especially young people, get hooked on opera!

What is something you do in your position that people might not expect:

I write a lot!

Your all-time favorite opera or theatrical production:

Probably La Traviata. I fell in love with the tragic heroine after reading La dame aux camelias by Alexandre Dumas, before I ever saw the opera.

Your unofficial position in the company (e.g. ‘class clown’, ‘bouncer’, etc.):

The Mom? staff meeting wrangler?

Your secret talent:

I make awesome oatmeal chocolate chip cookies

Create a super-hero persona based on your position in the company:

Glue Woman: the superhero who keeps all the details in lots of different areas moving together for the good of the whole

Outside of the office you can be found doing….:

Reading, swimming, hanging out with my family and two pooches

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