Get to Know the Staff: Rachel Wagner
Rachel Wagner
Graphic Designer
Length of time you have worked with Opera Omaha:
4 months
Six-word summary of your job/duties/what you do:
Create visually interesting and exciting communication
Describe the best or most rewarding part of your job:
Being part of a company doing such great things in our community
What is something you do in your position that people might not expect:
I make lists and color code all my projects. I even use an actual paper planner.
Your all-time favorite opera or theatrical production:
Though I haven’t seen many, my favorite opera is La bohème. It was the first opera I ever saw my junior year of high school, and it seems extra special that is was our season opener my first year here.
Your unofficial position in the company (e.g. ‘class clown’, ‘bouncer’, etc.):
Makeup Guru
Your secret talent:
Create a super-hero persona based on your position in the company:
The girl that gets all the projects done on time (knock on wood)
Outside of the office you can be found doing….:
Playing with my two dogs, cooking, knitting, antique shopping and binge watching Netflix