Get to Know the Staff: Jessica Blackman
Jessica Blackman
Development Director
Length of time you have worked with Opera Omaha:
Little over a year
Six-word summary of your job/duties/what you do:
Encourage company growth through generous giving.
Describe the best or most rewarding part of your job:
Seeing the productions come to life on the main stage of the Orpheum Theater. Sitting through a Final Dress Rehearsal for the first time will truly take your breath away – such talent!
What is something you do in your position that people might not expect:
I’ve been known to make a mean crostini or two – right in the office kitchen! (Check our Twitter page from last fall and you will find some of our creations.)
Your all-time favorite opera or theatrical production:
Oh, I can’t just pick one! I’m fortunate enough to say that every show holds a special place in my heart.
Your unofficial position in the company:
Resident DJ, karaoke singer, and I will occasionally attempt my skills as a breakout dancer.
Your secret talent:
I can consume a lot of snacks in any given day.
Outside of the office you can be found doing… :
Spending time with loved ones and my furry “children”, traveling (I was able to visit Iceland and Montreal just this spring!), dining out, and enjoying Omaha and all of the fun activities this wonderful city provides for us.