Get to Know the Staff: Jenny Daggett
Jenny Daggett
Director of Finance & HR
Length of time at Opera Omaha:
15 years
Six-word summary of your job/duties/what you do:
Financials, employee benefits, cash management, negotiator
Describe the best or most rewarding part of your job:
I love that every day is different.
What is something you do in your position that people might not expect:
I also assume the responsibility of any office construction, addition or reconfiguration.
Your all-time favorite opera or theatrical production:
Pirates of Penzance
Your secret talent:
I love to dance. I grew up dancing, continued in college and look forward to attending dance workout classes each week.
Create a super-hero persona based on your position in the company:
The Enforcer – making sure the staff meets deadlines, I oversee and manage budgets, oversee staff and their benefits, time off, etc.
Pick two more staff members to be your sidekick and arch-nemesis:
Tom Chandler and Jane Hill, we have worked together for so many years I feel that I have learned and grown into a better colleague and professional because of them.
Outside of the office you can be found doing….:
This time of year I am either at a softball field watching my oldest daughter, Payton, play softball all over the Midwest or at Premier watching my middle daughter, Paige, do gymnastics or at the dance studio watching her practice to prepare for her next dance competition or at a baseball field watching my son, Hayden, play for the Blair Cubs. Every once in a while my husband, Wade, and I will find time to go out with friends.